Passing tables in "Call": I want to use a BAPI call that requires a table parameter. How can I pass a table with several rows in GuiXT?

Use a long text variable and fill the rows with "CopyText" commands. Example:

// Clear text variable
Set text[tab] ""

// Fill rows
Set V[wa]  "This is line 1"
CopyText fromString="wa" toText="tab"  -appendline

Set V[wa]  "This is line 2"
CopyText fromString="wa" toText="tab"  -appendline

Set V[wa]  "This is line 3"
CopyText fromString="wa" toText="tab"  -appendline


Call ....     ...   table.ITAB_LINES="tab"

For structured table lines use symbolic notation. Example:

Set V[wa] ""
Set V[wa](KNA1-KUNNR)  "&V[mykunnr]"
Set V[wa](KNA1-NAME1)  "&V[myname1]"


CopyText fromString="wa" toText="tab" -appendline