Search help in our own table: I use a self-defined table with various columns. For one of the columns (spare part number) I use the searchhelp "MAT0M". When the user selects a value in this searchhelp window I would like to set the corresponding material text into another column of the same row.

I tried the following:

Table (2,2) (14,132) name="SPT" title= "Spare part" rows=10 -singlerowselection

column "Spare part"   size=16 name="spmat"  position= 4 searchhelp="MAT0M" shname1="MAKTG" shdest1=V[SPT.cell.spmattext.&V[_tabrow]]

The text is set into column "spmattext", but not in the right row. What could be the reason?

There are three possible ways to solve this, one is somewhat tricky.

The underlying problem is that &V[_tabrow] which you use in 


is already replaced by its actual value when the script is interpreted, i.e. when the screen is displayed. But you need the row number later on after the user has pressed F4 in the table cell. 

Method 1 

Table (2,2) (14,132) name="SPT" title= "Spare parts" rows=10 -singlerowselection

column "Spare part"   size=16 name="spmat"  position= 4 searchhelp="MAT0M" shname1="MAKTG"  shdest1="V[sptext]" searchhelpprocess="set_material_text.txt"

With the InputScript "set_material_text.txt": 

// InputScript

 Set V[SPT.cell.spmattext.&V[_tabrow]]     "&V[sptext]"


Method 2 (tricky) 

We replace the & character in  &V[_tabrow] with a variable that contains the & character. This prevents &V[tabrow] from being evaluated when the screen is displayed:

Table (2,2) (14,132) name="SPT" title= "Spare part" rows=10 -singlerowselection

 Set V[ampersand] "&"

column "Spare part"   size=16 name="spmat"  position= 4 searchhelp="MAT0M" shname1="MAKTG" shdest1=V[SPT.cell.spmattext.&V[ampersand]V[_tabrow]]


Methode 3 (works even if material number is entered manually) 

Table (2,2) (14,132) name="SPT" title= "Spare part" rows=10 -singlerowselection 

column "Spare part"   size=16 name="spmat"  position= 4 searchhelp="MAT0M" 

 column "Text"  size= 30 name="spmattext"       position=2  -readonly 

 // Read material text

 Set V[k] 1 

 Label read_mattext

 Set V[matnr] "&V[SPT.spmat.&V[k]]"  

 if V[matnr] 

  // add leading zeroes 

  // numerical?

  Set V[matnr2] "&V[matnr]" + 0

  if V[matnr=&V[matnr2]]

   Set V[matnr] (1-18) "000000000000000000&V[matnr]" -alignright



  Call "BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_DETAIL" cache= "session" in.MATERIAL="&V[matnr]" out.MATERIAL_GENERAL_DATA= "matgendata"

   Set V[SPT.cell.spmattext.&V[k]]   "&V[matgendata] (BAPIMATDOA-MATL_DESC)"


  Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  goto read_mattext
