Downloading SAP Web Repository and GuiXT to local cache: I am trying to use the SAPWR to store scripts, html files and images. The script works fine and loads the first HTML page, but any references from this page are not downloaded. My question for Synactive is how can I make it download a set of HTML files, CSS, JS and Images to the local cache. This option is preferred as the content would be available whenever SAP is up, and we would not have to ensure that other central script repositories have the same availabilty.
In other words, how can I download a set of HTML files, CSS, JS and Images to the local cache?
I suggest you put a series of

OpenFile "SAPWR:..."

CloseFile "SAPWR:..."

commands into the script, before displaying the html pages, one for each linked file. This will guarantee that they are in GuiXT cache (it is not necessary to read the files with ReadFile).

Use a VersionNumber statement in esession.txt to avoid real network traffic and RFC calls for these files.